اعلان وسط المواضيع

تمارين زمن المضارع البسيط Present continuous

تمارين زمن المضارع البسيط Present continuous

تمارين زمن المضارع البسيط Present continuous

 في الدرس السابق قمنا بشرح زمن المضارع المستمر Present continuous ، و يمكنك الإطلاع عليه و مراجعته قبل البدء بالتطبيق عليه من خلال تمارين الممضارع المستمر.

ستساعدك تمارين زمن المضارع المستمر على فهمه بشكل أفضل، وستكون الحلول مرفقة أسفل كل تمرين.

* من الأفضل محاولة حل التمرين بنفسك أولًا ثم التحقق من الإجابات للتأكد.

التمرين الأول لزمن المضارع المستمر Present continuous 

صرف الأفعال الآتية مما بين القوسين:

1- I (study) at the moment.

2- My father (wash) his car.

3- You (play) tennis tonight.

4- We (sit) on the train.

5- we (watch) television now.

6- They (live) in London.

7- The students (have) lunch in the canteen.

8- They (play) basketball today.

9- He (work) in a restaurant now.

10- Sarah (drink) green tea now.

11- Ahmed (walk) to the school.

12- I (build) a sandcastle right now.

13- Ahmed (draw) a picture of a cat now.

14- Sarah (talk) to her teacher at present.

15- I (spend) a lot of money nowadays.

16- Ahmed (try) to finish his project at the moment

17- The kids (swim) in the pool at the moment. 

18- Ahmed (fly) a kite now.

19- Sarah (brush) her hair.

20- Ahmed (ride) a bike.

حل التمرين الأول لزمن المضارع المستمر Present continuous

1- I'm studying  at the moment.

2- My father is washing his car.

3- You're playing tennis tonight.

4- We're sitting  on the train.

5- We're watching television now.

6- They are living in London.

7- The students are having lunch in the canteen.

8- They are playing basketball today.

9- He is working in a restaurant now.

10- Sarah is drinking green tea now.

11- Ahmed is walking to the school.

12- I'm building a sandcastle right now.

13- Ahmed is drawing a picture of a cat now.

14- Sarah is talking to her teacher at present.

15- I'm spending a lot of money nowadays.

16- Ahmed is trying to finish his project at the moment

17- The kids are swimming in the pool at the moment. 

18- Ahmed is flying a kite now.

19- Sarah is brushing her hair.

20- Ahmed is riding a bike.

التمرين الثاني على زمن المضارع المستمر Present continuous 

اختر الإجابة الصحيحة مما بين القوسين:

1- My sister ( goes - is going - are going ) home now.

2- We ( is doing - are doing - did ) our homework.

3- Sarah ( plays - is playing - played ) games in the computer.

4- We ( are speaking - spoke - am speaking ) English now.

5- My mother ( cooked - is cooking - are cooking ) dinner now.

6- People ( waited - are waiting - is waiting )  for the concert to start.

7- She ( is playing - are playing - play ) the piano now.

8- We ( is reading - are reading - read ) a book now.

9- My parents ( are sleeping - sleep - is sleeping ) now.

10-  Sarah ( worked - is working - are working ) hard to get the job.

11-  She ( are dancing - dance - is dancing ) at the party.

12- He ( are making - is making - made ) pizza right now.

13- My grandfather ( visits - is visiting - visit ) the doctor.

14- They ( are drinking - is drinking - drink ) a cup of tea.

15- She ( walk - is walking - walks ) to the center of the  town now.

16- Ahmed ( open - is opening - opens ) the window now.

17- We ( are reading - read - is reading ) a letter now.

18- My sister ( is learning - learns - learn ) English.

19- Ahmed ( play - is playing - are playing ) football now.

20- My father ( worked - is working - works ) in the garden right now.

حل التمرين الثاني على زمن المضارع المستمر Present continuous 

1- My sister is going home now.

2- We are doing our homework.

3- Sarah is playing games in the computer.

4- We are speaking English now.

5- My mother is cooking dinner now.

6- People are waiting for the concert to start.

7- She is playing the piano now.

8- We are reading a book now.

9- My parents are sleeping now.

10-  Sarah is working hard to get the job.

11-  She is dancing at the party.

12- He is making pizza right now.

13- My grandfather is visiting the doctor.

14- They are drinking a cup of tea.

15- She is walking to the center of the  town now.

16- Ahmed is opening the window now.

17- We are reading a letter now.

18- My sister is learning English.

19- Ahmed is playing  football now.

20- My father is working in the garden right now.

التمرين الثالث لزمن المضارع المستمر

ضع جمل استفهام في زمن المضارع المستمر:

1- You (make) dinner now?

2- What you (doing) at the moment?

3- Who she (chat) to now?

4- When they (leave)?

5- What she (eat) right now?

6- What book you (read) nowadays?

7-  Ahmed (study) for his exam right now?

8- Sarah (play) the piano right now?

9- Who we (meet)?

10- How they (travel)?

إجابة التمرين الثالث على زمن المضارع المستمر

1- Are you making dinner?

2- What are doing at the moment?

3- Who is she chatting to now?

4- When are they leaving?

5- What is she eating right now?

6- What book are you reading nowadays?

7- Is Ahmed studying for the exam right now?

8- Is Sarah playing the piano right now?

9- Who are we meeting?

10- How are they travelling?

التمرين الرابع لزمن المضارع المستمر

ضع الجمل الآتية في صيغة النفي في زمن المضارع المستمر:

1- It ( not rain ) today.

2-  They ( not listen ) to the music now.

3- Sarah ( not work ) hard enough.

4- He ( not read ) the novel now.

5- Ahmed ( not wait ) for the bus.

6- We ( not go ) to the cinema tonight.

7- He ( not read ) the newspaper.

8- They ( not leave ) now.

9- I ( not live ) in London.

10- She ( not drink ) tea now.

إجابة التمرين الرابع لزمن المضارع المستمر

1- It's not raining today.

2- They aren't listening to the music now.

3- Sarah is not working hard enough.

4- He isn't reading the novel now.

5- Ahmed isn't waiting for the bus.

6- We aren't going to the cinema tonight.

7- He isn't reading the newspaper. 

8- They aren't leaving now.

9- I'm not living in London.

10- She isn't drinking tea now.

هكذا نكون أنتهينا من درس اليوم و هو تمارين المضارع المستمر ، و الدرس القادم سيكون عن زمن جديد في قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية، و نتمنى أن تكون تمارين زمن المضارع المستمر قد ساعدتكم على استيعابه بشكل مبسط.

إذا كان لديكم أي استفسارات أو أقتراحات يمكنكم وضعها في التعليقات و سنتشرف بالإجابة عليها.

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